Fee structure:

  • At the time of admission, the Student should pay the fees towards Admission, as prescribed by the University.
  • SC, ST and Cat-I Students are eligible for fee concession as per government rules.


  • Students are required to be in their respective class rooms 5 minutes before the commencement of classes.
  • Attendance will be marked for each Hour allotted to a Subject. Students are required to put in not less than 75% Attendance in individual Subjects.
  • Attendance is compulsory on the College re-opening day.
  • Students should compulsorily appear for the Tests and Term Examinations.
  • Students are required to participate in the National Day/Festival Programmes organized by the College.
  • All the students are required to participate in the activities and functions conducted by various Associations / Clubs of the College.
  • Students are advised to make use of the library facilities whenever they do not have classes.
  • Students are advised not to bring large amount of cash or other valuable items to the College. They have to take care of their belongings.
  • No student shall leave the college premises during class hours without the Lecturer’s permission.
  • If a student is absent due to sickness, Medical Certificate should be produced.
  • If a student cannot appear for the Internal Examinations / Tests on health grounds (no other reasons are entertained) the matter should be reported by student or his/her Parent/Guardian to the Principal.


  • Students are required to behave properly. The College reserves the right to dismiss any student if his/her behavior tarnishes the image of the College.
  • Use of Cell phones by the students on the Campus is banned. Cell Phones, if found with the students will be confiscated.
  • Students have to be polite when they deal with the members of the staff.
  • Unnecessary Loitering on the corridors is not the tolerated.
  • Irregularity in attendance, discourtesy to Staff Members, habitual inattention and late coming, neglect of work, obscenity in word or act will attract disciplinary actions such as fine, suspension and dismissal.
  • Willful damage caused to the College property will be recovered from the students.
  • The College will not be responsible for the conduct of the students outside its premises. However, it will take note of the offence and action will be initiated according to the nature and magnitude of the offence.
  • Students should not raise funds, organize functions, convene meetings without the permission from the Principal.
  • Use of tobacco, alcohol or any other intoxicants is banned in the premises.
  • Those students who come to the College by Two Wheelers, should have a valid Driving License. To avoid noise pollution and disturbance, the Vehicles should be fitted with Silencers. Students should park their vehicles only in the place allotted. The College does not provide parking slot for Four Wheelers of the students.
  • Educational tours / Industry visit / Field visits are to be organized with the prior permission of the Principal. For all such programmes written permission of the parents is required.
  • Attendance at Classes and Examinations, progress, as well as the conduct will be taken into consideration while recommending students for concessions, scholarships, higher studies, jobs as well as for representing the College in extracurricular activities.
  • After class hours no student is expected to remain on the Campus unless there is a program or sports / games practice.

Anti – Ragging Committee:

  • Ragging is banned in the Campus.
  • There is a Committee consisting of senior faculty members, etc., to keep vigil over ragging and to prevent it.
  • Students should note that ragging is a cognizable criminal offense and those indulge in it or encourage it will be handed over to the law as per Supreme Court of India order SLP(C) No. 24295 /2004.
  • Any act of teasing, abusing, asking any student to do any act, which he/she would not do in the ordinary course which results in physical, physiological and psychological harm is defined as ragging. Ragging is strictly prohibited.
  • Criminal proceedings will be initiated against those who indulge in ragging.

Tunga Mahavidyalaya

Tunga Mahavidyalaya (Kannadaತುಂಗಾ ಮಹಾವಿದ್ಯಾಲಯ) is located at the foothills of Anandagiri in Thirthahalli Town. Tunga Mahavidyalaya “is the offspring of” Tunga Vidyavardhaka Sangha – an association of the philanthropists. Thirthahalli Taluk is the birthplace of great writers, artists, Jurists and political leaders. Popular Kannada film actor Diganth is alumnus of this institute.

Google Reviews:

Based on 57 reviews
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Anoop Upadhya
14:48 19 Mar 22
Best premises with neat campus
Subhash Adiga S
06:12 17 Jan 22
It's good
Darshan Shet
06:20 08 Jan 22
Located in the outskirts of Tirtahalli city, near Tudaki. College gets more and more attracted with the greenery that welcomes you with a freshness vibe. PUC, Under Graduation and Post Graduation courses are available in this college. Campus is included with Canteen, Xerox outlet, Sports complex, playground, library and auditorium.
Aishu Aishwarya
08:00 26 Aug 21
Very attractive place and campus environment is soo awesome 🥰😍
My sis studies here ok ok college
Anoop Upadhya
14:48 19 Mar 22
ಅಚ್ಚುಕಟ್ಟಾಗಿ ಕ್ಯಾಂಪಸ್ ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ಅತ್ಯುತ್ತಮ ಆವರಣ
Subhash Adiga S
06:12 17 Jan 22
ಇದು ಉತ್ತಮ
ಇಲ್ಲಿ ನನ್ನ ಸಿಸ್ ಅಧ್ಯಯನ ಸರಿ ಸರಿ ಕಾಲೇಜು

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